Aliga-Tor GmbH

ALIGA-TOR save your energy

Our rapid action doors are more than just fast industrial doors

Rapid action doors have become indispensable in today's industry and are always used there, where classic industrial doors are not suitable.
The mechanical stress caused by high opening and closing speeds with a large number of cycles is very high in this type of door.

A rapid action door from Aliga-Tor impresses with its high-quality, highly resistant materials and intelligent electronic control of the drive.

The assembly and commissioning of rapid action doors from our production are also very simple and straightforward.

You can use our doors in these areas


Einsatzgebiet Industrie

Doors für industrial facilities

ALIGA Rapida high-speed doors, the door series for indoor and outdoor use. Can be used in many installation environments

★ ALIGA-Rapida VZ
★ ALIGA-Rapida Insect VZ
Einsatzgebiet Supermarkt

Supermarktet Doors

ALIGA-SMD, the SuperMarketDoor. This sturdy door is specially developed for the discounter sector.

★ ALIGA-Escape
Einsatzgebiet Lebensmittel

Doors for the food sector

High-speed doors for the sensitive area of food production or the pharmaceutical industry.

★ ALIGA-Rapida Food
★ ALIGA-Rapida Cooler Food
★ ALIGA-Rapida Insect Food
Einsatzgebiet Kühlbereich

Doors for cooling areas

The ALIGA Rapida Cooler series is specially insulated and particularly suitable for use in refrigerated or fresh rooms.

★ ALIGA-Rapida Cooler
★ ALIGA-Rapida Cooler Food
Einsatzgebiet Tiefkühlbereich

Doors for deep-freeze areas

The ALIGA-EST was consistently and completely redesigned for use in deep-freeze areas.

Einsatzgebiet Flucht- und Rettungswege

Doors for escape and rescue routes

The ALIGA Escape as a separating door in escape and rescue routes is unique on the market with this concept.

★ ALIGA-Escape
★ ALIGA-Escape Food

We are looking forward to your message.


Im Gewerbepark 7
49326 Melle

Give us a call:

Tel.: +49 (0)5422 92107-0 Fax: +49 (0)5422 92107-11

Contact us by email :
